Update | Water Meter Installation Q&As – 23 May 2019

Thank you for your patience as we the Trustees completed a process of due diligence and sought answers to all of the important questions raised in regard to the upcoming water meter installation project.

Please find a link below to a comprehensive Q&A document that serves to address all queries and concerns we have received.

SC Water Meter Installation QA

City of Cape Town meeting

We want to make special mention of a meeting that was had with an official of the City of Cape Town on site, to ensure we are indeed compliant with the by-law that has brought about this project. It was confirmed by this representative, in writing, that in challenging cases of complexes such as Sandown Crescent, it is not a requirement to have individual meters per apartment and rather an alternative solution can be implemented, including the metering of units by calculation – which is aligned with the approach proposed at the SGM. Letters will be sent directly to owners of the affected loft apartments where water consumption will be measured by calculation/subtraction

Next Steps:

  • We have appointed NUSCO as the installer  (one of the suppliers pitched at the SGM) and work will most likely commence on Monday 27 May, and should take approximately 8 weeks to complete.
  • Installation will now be external to most apartments. Certain loft apartments will still need to be accessed. Arrangements will be made directly with those owners/tenants affected.
  • You will have noticed that the payment arrangement of R500 per month, over 4 months (total contributions from owners of R2000), began on your April statement.

Should you have any further queries regarding the process, please feel free to reach out to Kirk Odgers at Trafalgar.

SC Water Meter Installation QA

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