Security incident – 1 July 2020

This morning there was an incident behind our complex in the nature reserve where a walker was allegedly robbed of their cellphone. The assailant then fled through the nature reserve behind Sandown Crescent but during his escape somehow appeared to have gained access to our complex before exiting over the fence behind E-Block, possibly using a handful of clothing to protect himself from the electric fencing as he jumped over. Crimewatch has apparently apprehended the suspect and the cellphone has been returned to the Royal Ascot resident.
The Trustees are taking this matter very seriously. We have called an emergency meeting and a full investigation of our electric fencing system and how the assailant gained access to our complex during his escape is currently underway. We are developing a plan for how incidents like this might be prevented in the future.
We ask all residents to please practice vigilance and awareness when out and about in the reserve or in Grand National Boulevard.
  • Do not walk with your cellphone visible
  • Practice awareness of yourself and others at all times
  • Call Crimewatch immediately should you notice anything suspicious on ‎+27 21 552 1717
Please direct any questions, ideas or concerns to Trafalgar.


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