Security Update – April 2018

  • Mircom system – With the recent replacement of the Mircom system at the gate, we have requested your cell-phone numbers to be programmed. Previously, we had always insisted on landline numbers, which was to ensure residents are actually home before letting visitors into the complex. The changeover to use cell-phones is mainly for your convenience, but is not to be abused. Please only let people into the complex if you are at home at the time of the call. Security will be instructed to check on this from time to time. This will be monitored, and if any issues arise, we will have to revert back to using landline numbers.

Please treat access into our complex as you would if you lived in a free-standing home. You are responsible for everyone’s safety within the complex.

  • Unauthorized access to a unit in B Block – An incident was reported by a resident that, between undergoing renovations within the unit, and it standing empty, issues were raised about possible unauthorized entry being gained into the unit. No sign of forced entry was found, but a few internal fittings were removed, and a window was left open. A case has been filed with SAPS. Some items were also reported being removed off another balcony in the same block, again while renovations were taking place. Please heed the following reminder in this regard:

If you have hired any contractors to attend to work within your unit, you are responsible for them. Please do not leave them to work unattended. Ensure they are supervised by the owner or resident of the unit at all times. While we have excellent security at our gate, their contract with us is to perform Access Control, and not to monitor individual units.

  • Reprogramming of remotes – Some changes to the motor gate hardware will occur soon, resulting in a need to re-programme all remotes. Further instructions will follow in due course. We will also take this opportunity to tighten up the register we have for all remotes, and how replacements will be issued in future. Please ensure that for all of you that have tenants, that they return their remotes when moving out.
  • Other – IMPORTANT NOTE: We would like to request all owners and tenants to please utilise their allocated parking bays and do not use visitors bays. If you require additional parking bays – please make contact with us to arrange.
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