Urgent Update – Remote Controls – 4 May 2018

Please note Sandown Crescent is in the process of upgrading all the gate access remotes to the newer, more secure ET Rolling Code Remotes and will enable us to have a record of each remote and who it has been issued to.

As a result, we please ask that the following takes place:

1. Return your old remote/s to security (maximum of 2 remotes at this stage) 2. Security will verify that the old remotes are still working and issue you with your new remote/s.

3. Your details will be captured in the logbook against the remote number which is engraved on the back of the remote. If you receive two new remotes, your details need to be captured in both rows corresponding to the new remotes numbers. Please write neatly and make sure each row is populated with your details.

4. Security till tick the last column to confirm the old remote/s have been returned.

5. There are 200 new remotes available for the first phase, once all 200 have been exchanged another email will be sent out notifying everyone when the second phase will begin. Once the bulk of residents have exchanged their remotes, the old system will be removed and only the new remotes will operate.

Please note that security has already started issuing the new remotes without this instruction being sent out first. As a result the log book has not been populated correctly as multiple residents have written in “x2” next to their details and not captured the details against the correct rows. Can we please ask that if you have already exchanged your remotes that you please go past security and rewrite your details against the new remote/s number (on back of remote) that you were issued. Without an accurate record, we cannot manage the system and remove remotes from the receiver should one remote be lost or stolen.

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